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很多家长和学生都知道课前需要预习。 但每个科目课前预习的方法和效率都不同。 在物理课上,老师所做的主要工作是得出结论高考物理怎么学,然后应用结论。 对于课堂来说,课前预习最有效的方法就是先自己了解一下,如何得出结论? 标记你不明白的地方,并在课堂上集中精力听。 寻找这些公式或定位时,要注意要点、适用条件和范围。 然后,利用这些结论来解决一些无法解决的问题。 这也是上课需要认真听讲的地方。 总的来说,就是在写物理书的时候能够静下心来,理解人的意图。 这不需要很长时间,但确实需要养成良好的自学习惯。 一般预览时间为5至10分钟。 可以在自习课的时候或者忙的时候休息的时候做。



  An industrial society, especially one as centralized and concentrated as that of Britain,山西众志诚律师事务所 

is heavily dependant on certain essential services: for instance,山西众志诚律师事务所 electricity supply,山西众志诚律师事务所 water,山西众志诚律师事务所 rail 

and road transport,山西众志诚律师事务所 the harbors. The area of dependency has widened to include removing 

rubbish, hospital and ambulance services, and, as the economy develops, central computer 

and information services as well. If any of these services ceases to operate, the whole

 economic system is in danger.

  It is this interdependency of the economic system that makes the power of trade unions such an important issue. Single trade unions have the ability to cut off many economic blood supplies. This can happen more easily in Britain than in some other countries, in part because the labor force is highly organized. About 55 per cent of British workers belong to unions, 

compared to under a quarter in the United States. For historical reasons, Britain's unions 

have tended to develop along trade and occupational lines,和记官网 rather than on an industry-by-

industry basis, which makes wage policy, democracy in industry and the improvement of

 procedures for fixing wage levels difficult to achieve.

  There are considerable strains and tensions in the trade union movement, some of them arising from their outdated and inefficient structure. Some unions have lost many members 

because of industrial changes. Others are involved in arguments about who should represent workers in new trades. Unions for skilled trades are separate from general unions, which 

means that different levels of wages for certain jobs are often a source of bad feeling 

between unions. In traditional trades which are being pushed out of existence by advancing 

technologies, unions can fight for their members' disappearing jobs to the point where the jobs of other union's members are threatened or destroyed. The printing of newspapers both in 

the United States and in Britain has frequently been halted by the efforts of printers to hold 

on to their traditional highly-paid jobs.

21. Why is the question of trade union power important in Britain?

  A. The economy is very much interdependent.

  B. Unions have been established a long time.

  C. There are more unions in Britain than elsewhere.

  D. There are many essential services.

22. Because of their out-of-date organization some unions find it difficult 


  A. change as industries change B. get new members to join them

  C. learn new technologies D. bargain for high enough wages

23. Disagreements arise between unions because some of them

  A. try to win over members of other unions

  B. ignore agreements上海诗韵园艺

  C. protect their own members at the expense of others

  D. take over other union's jobs

24. It is difficult to improve the procedures for fixing wage levels 


  A. some industries have no unions

  B. unions are not organized according to industries

  C. only 55 per cent of workers belong to unions

  D. some unions are too powerful

25. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

  A. There are strains and tensions in the trade union movement.

  B. Some unions have lost many members.

  C. Some unions exist in the outdated structure.

  D. A higher percentage of American workers belong to unions than that of British 



21. Why is the question of trade union power important in Britain?

  A. The economy is very much interdependent.

  B. Unions have been established a long time.

  C. There are more unions in Britain than elsewhere.

D. There are many essential services.



An industrial society, especially one as centralized and concentrated as that of Britain, is heavily dependant on certain essential services: for instance, electricity supply, water, rail and road transport, the harbors. The area of dependency has widened to include removing 

rubbish, hospital and ambulance services, and, as the economy develops, central computer and information services as well. If any of these services ceases to operate, the whole economic system is in danger.

It is this interdependency of the economic system that makes the 

power of trade unions such an important issue.


interdependency这个词。It is this interdependency of the economic system that makes the power of trade unions such an important issue. 这句话实际上就是说This interdendency

 makes trade unions so powerful.这也就直接对应上了备选答案A,故答案选A.


is this interdependency of the economic system that makes the power of trade unions such an important issue这句话却读不懂,更做不到这句话和This interdendency makes trade unions so powerful是同一个意思。这才是真正需要提高的能力。


  22. Because of their out-of-date organization some unions find it difficult to______.

A. change as industries change

B. get new members to join them

C. learn new technologies

D. bargain for high enough wages

1)我们需要有从问题中迅速确认其中的out-of-date organization就是“关键词”


2)我们直接就从问题的“关键词”(out-of-date organization)的定位回到文章快速找到答案范围:

There are considerable strains and tensions in the trade union movement, some of them arising from their outdated and inefficient 

structure. Some unions have lost many members because of industrial changes.

3)备选答案B的意思:get new members to join them,这和Some unions have lost many members because of industrial changes.意思是吻合的。故答案选B.


23. Disagreements arise between unions because some of them

  A. try to win over members of other unions

  B. ignore agreements

  C. protect their own members at the expense of others

  D. take over other union's jobs

1)我们需要有从问题中迅速确认其中的Disagreements arise 就是“关键词”


2)我们直接就从问题的“关键词”(Disagreements arise,at the expense of others)的定位回到文章快速找到答案范围:

There are considerable strains and tensions in the trade union movement, some of them arising from their outdated and inefficient structure. Some unions have 

lost many members because of industrial changes. Others are involved in arguments about who should represent workers in new trades. In traditional trades 

which are being pushed out of existence by advancing technologies, unions can 

fight for their members' disappearing jobs to the point where the jobs of other

 union's members are threatened or destroyed.

3)我们可以找到答案C. protect their own members at the expense of 

others所说的内容和文章中where the jobs of other union's members are 

threatened or destroyed意思相近。At the expense of others(以他人为代价)就是where the jobs  are threatened or destroyed(别人的工作受到威胁或消灭)同义表达转换。

  24. It is difficult to improve the procedures for fixing wage levels 


  A. some industries have no unions

  B. unions are not organized according to industries

  C. only 55 per cent of workers belong to unions

  D. some unions are too powerful


1)我们从题目关键词fixing wage直接回到文章出现这个词汇的段落,找到以下文字:

For historical reasons, Britain's unions have tended to develop along trade and 

occupational lines, rather than on an industry-by-industry basis, which makes

 wage policy, democracy in industry and the improvement of procedures for 

fixing wage levels difficult to achieve.

2)答案B中的 unions are not organized according to industries(不是按照行业来组织的)与文章中的 rather than on an industry-by-industry basis(而不是基于划分行业的基础之上)属于同义表达。

  25. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

  A. There are strains and tensions in the trade union movement.

  B. Some unions have lost many members.

  C. Some unions exist in the outdated structure.

  D. A higher percentage of American workers belong to unions than that of British workers.


我们在文章中都可以分别找到strains and tensions,have lost many members,in the 

outdated structure等文字。用单纯的“排除法”应试技巧,剩下的答案只能是D了。这样可以节约一定的考试时间。

答案:21. A 22. A 23. C 24. B 25. D


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